La Biblioteca dei ragazzi; via Besso 13; 6903 Lugano, + 41 91 967 20 34|
Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Khiani, Darshana

How to wear a sari

Boston ; New York : Versify, 2021
Abstract/Sommario: Being a little kid isn’t always fun and games. Sometimes, it’s downright annoying. When a little girl tires of being treated like she’s too little, she sets out to prove to her family that she can do anything she puts her mind to... including putting on a colorful, twinkly, silky sari. Sure, they’re long and unwieldy—but that only means her family will be even more impressed when she puts it on all by herself.
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Descrizione How to wear a sari / by Darshana Khiani ; illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff. - Boston ; New York : Versify, 2021. - [32] p. : ill. ; 26x26 cm
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 27527
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Khiani, Darshana
Lew Vriethoff, Joanne
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Barcode Biblioteca Collocazione Prestabilità Stato Prenotazioni
0025342 LA BIBLIOTECA DEI RAGAZZI ALTRE LINGUE / Inglese / Albi illustrati Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna